Thursday, April 1, 2010

Indonesia Music event : SCTV Music Award 2010

First of all if u want read this post with Indonesian Language, just look in the left there Google translate and switch language to Indonesian or language do you want, Okay?? understood?? I believe you understood ^^

Now I want talking about music event in Indonesia... SCTV Music Award.
 SCTV music award already held in 8 times include this year. This award a little bit different because you not give your vote per nomination but you vote first, after that the nominations will be announced.

SCTV music award just announced who artist you can vote. Twenty artist you can vote now like Afgan, Agnes Monica, Kotak, Vierra, The Virgin, Wali, and Many More.

You know what?? when I first time saw the list. Honestly I'm shock because some big artist not in there, just take a sample like Sherina with "Cinta Pertama dan Terakhirku" or Anang with "Separuh Jiwaku Pergi". Both of them very deserve in to the list. I can't accept this, so I go to Mr.Google and searching about this music event and very glad I'm find the answer for that.

Every artist who get in to the list is the artist who can make sales for the album more than 100.000 in past year and who can make sales in RBT (Ring Back Tone) more than 1 million for solo artist and more than 2 million for duo/group artist. When I'm find this info, I'm a little bit relief, because Sherina and Anang release their song in almost close the end of year 2009. So they not have a enough time to hit that requirement. I don't know a right reason for both of them not in the list, maybe right maybe wrong, but the list already made it and announced. So keep voting for this event, guys!! ^^

So although I'm still not very happy with that list, but It's okay. I still appreciate that list because at least some artist who in my thought really deserve, get in to the list. This is the twenty artist who made it in to the list and fight for the award:

1. Afgan - Bukan Cinta Biasa
2. Agnes Monica - Teruskanlah
3. Armada - Mau Dibawa Kemana
4. D'Masiv - Jangan Menyerah
5. Derby - Cintailah Diriku
6. Ello - Masih Ada
7. Geisha
8. Goliath - Masih Disini Masih Denganmu
9. Hijau Daun
10. Kotak - Pelan Pelan Saja
11. Lyla - Jantung Hatiku
12. Nindy - Cinta Cuma Satu
13. Pasto
14. Rhido Rhoma - Menunggu
15. Rossa - Hati Yang Kau Sakiti
16. Salju
17. The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa
18. Ungu
19. Vierra
20. Wali - Baik Baik Sayang

Who the artist will I vote??? I will vote for Ello, Agnes Monica, D'Masiv.. Oopss!! I'm forgot to tell you what category in this music award.

This year SCTV Music Award have 12 category. Six category who the winner decided by your vote like Album Pop Solo Pria (male), Album Pop Solo Wanita (Female), Album Pop Duo/Band, Album Pendatang Baru(New Comer) Solo, Album Pendatang Baru (New Comer) Duo/Group, and Lagu Paling Ngetop (The most top song). Five category special like Penyanyi Band Favorit (favorite band singer), Pemain Gitar Favorit (guitar player favorite), Pemain Bass Favorit (bass player favorite), Pemain Drum Favorit (drum player favorite) and Pemain Keyboard Favorit (keyboard player favorite). One left, will announced in the peak event.

Back to the topic who will I vote for this music award. Agnes Monica for the winner in Album Pop Solo Female, Ello for the winner in Album Pop Solo Male, D'masiv with "Jangan Menyerah" for the winner in Lagu Paling Ngetop (The Most Top Song), Kotak/Wali for the winner in Album Pop Duo/Band, Geisha/Vierra for the winner in Album New Comer Duo/Group.

Don't forget to vote your favorite artist in SCTV Music Award with type this message "SMA (with number your favorite artist)" example : SMA 2 for vote Agnes Monica. If you want vote for five special award, type this message VOCALNAMA, KEYNAMA, BASSNAMA, GITARNAMA, and DRUMNAMA.

And also don't forget to watch the show in May 2010.

That's all about SCTV Music Award... ArD sign out from this post... See ya in another post and also another topic... Bye bye ^^

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