Saturday, May 15, 2010

Indonesian Idol : Recap and Result For Top 14

Top 14 performance already began, seven guys and seven girls fight for their life and of course fight for their dream to be an Indonesian idol 2010. Everybody show the best that they can do in top 14 performance. Unfortunately someone journey must ended tonight.

The show open by top 14 performance. After that with consecutive all fourteen contestants perform. Theme for top 14 performance is song who ever sung by the contestant until the last workshop performance. If you want to know what song who they pick and want to know my review about they performance, just check my previous post with title “Indonesian Idol Top 14, This Is My Review” or with the label or tag “Indonesian Idol”. After that, 14 contestants perform the song of Indonesian Idol called “Idola Indonesia” in English mean “Indonesian Idol”.

Before the result announced, Agnes Monica who take the one seat of the judges and be the mentor in this top 14 performance hit the stage. Agnes Monica perform her single “Kau Godai Aku” (You Tease Me). Agnes give a spectacular performance and really really give all fourteen contestant a lesson learned. Agnes give a spectacular vocal performance, spectacular act stage performance, spectacular stage presence, expression and everything needed to be a superstar she gave it with a spectacular.

So here it is, the result. Daniel has announced and the bottom three of the night are Andi, Dea and Ica. Dea the first contestant from three contestant in the bottom three told by Daniel that she save. Next it’s turn for Ica, Daniel told her that her save for another week and will meet again with another contestant, judges and of course Daniel in top 13. So make Andi must leave the show again, this is the second time for Andi to going home.

That’s all recap for Indonesian Idol top 14 performance.

Before I close this post, I want talk another topic about Indonesia Idol. Indonesian Idol turn the big stage, but my opinion this stage not so good. If I must compare to the last season (season 5) stage or season five stage, this season stage is the worst. This stage give a hard job for a cameraman to take the picture to shoot, because when all contestant perform together in that stage the cameraman can’t take the whole picture from 14 contestants, if they can they must take from a far side and make a picture too small. Very unfortunate…..

One another thing not to maximum is the video journey of contestant who played when contestant going home. If you see the American Idol, the video journey can make our emotion connect with that video. Indonesian Idol from season one until season six never can make a good video journey. The video journey always bad and can’t make our emotion connect with that video. But I must praise with this season because this season is the best video journey ever, although in my criteria this video journey still wasn’t good.

That my recap, my result and a little bad things about Indonesian Idol this season.

If you want to see again posting talking about review performance, recap, and result Indonesian Idol, just wait until next week…. See ya my loyal readers….. ^^

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